Battlebit's - Sunset


BattleBit's - Sunset

With tears in our eyes, we announce the departure of our EdgeGamers BattleBit server. Despite the hard work and the dedication of EdgeGamers members, the game's falling player base leaves us without a choice but to close our BattleBit server indefinitely. While the events we enjoyed may be lodged in our memories, it's unfortunately time to say goodbye and cherish what we had.

We want to express our gratitude to the many members, admins, and leadership who put forth the effort to try and make BattleBit a success. Thank you to @Mr.Baron, @redchance, @Jacko, @Mooshua, @jii, @3dsam1, @Buster, gabby gabby , @DrkChocolate, H Honorstar , @oNote, @Feddywin, @Bigcatsw1, @ChillinWithCas, and everyone else who we missed. A special and most notable salute to 4g0tt3nSou1 4g0tt3nSou1 who was the driving force who gave Battlebit a chance at community support and fun. To all, your contributions and dedication towards expanding the EdgeGamers community did not go unnoticed.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

Art: @december | Writing: @Golden | Writing editor: @Lucas15

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Always upsetting to see these types of posts made. Thanks to the hard work that everyone put in during its time here.
View attachment 19636

BattleBit's - Sunset

With tears in our eyes, we announce the departure of our EdgeGamers BattleBit server. Despite the hard work and the dedication of EdgeGamers members, the game's falling player base leaves us without a choice but to close our BattleBit server indefinitely. While the events we enjoyed may be lodged in our memories, it's unfortunately time to say goodbye and cherish what we had.

We want to express our gratitude to the many members, admins, and leadership who put forth the effort to try and make BattleBit a success. Thank you to @Mr.Baron, @redchance, @Jacko, @Mooshua, @jii, @3dsam1, @Buster, gabby gabby , @DrkChocolate, H Honorstar , @oNote, @Feddywin, @Bigcatsw1, @ChillinWithCas, and everyone else who we missed. A special and most notable salute to 4g0tt3nSou1 4g0tt3nSou1 who was the driving force who gave Battlebit a chance at community support and fun. To all, your contribution and dedication to the EdgeGamers BattleBit server did not go unnoticed.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

Art: @december | Writing: @Golden | Writing editor: @Lucas15

Check EdgeGamers out on Social Media:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube |
4g0tt3nSou1 4g0tt3nSou1 thank you for everything and putting your all into this!! i appreciate all the time and sweat you put into BB

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