Indefinite Shutdown of ClearRP FiveM Server


Today is a difficult announcement to make, but a necessary one. Effective end of day Monday 3/4/2024 our server will be shut off indefinitely. Over the last two years we have dealt with very high points and very low points. Our high points include a plethora of amazing roleplay scenarios, emerging roleplay leaders to take the reigns of gangs or service departments, and strong bonds / relationships built with friends across many factions. Our lows have been discussed at nauseam over the last few months. While we established a strong team in the later to current life cycle of the server, we were plagued with wrongful decisions, putting the wrong people in positions of responsibility, and developing products far too quickly without quality in mind. Our current team is simply not setup for success in a way that they can make a reliable product with the current server and development capabilities.

Afroman + JD after discussing with the Community Management and Executive teams have made the challenging decision to step down from their positions. Their efforts in leadership are recognized and appreciated across their tenure. We couldn’t have made it this far without their support and leadership. The rest of the GTA leadership staff will also be moved out of their current roles with the opportunity to seek leadership positions in other areas of EdgeGamers if they choose to do so.

Moving forward, we will establish a small team to focus on what’s next. We are labeling this as an indefinite shutdown as we will return with a new server in the future. There is no timeline or expectations to be communicated on this. Our small team will focus on quality over a speedy delivery. We will have no incremental development announcements regarding this and will only provide details when we have neared the finish line. There’s an exciting chapter ahead in the future. We look forward to seeing you then.

As a final celebration, the GTA LE team will be holding a Purge event tonight on the server. Details of this event will be forthcoming from Heartless on the ClearRP Discord.
I played on our server for nearly 5000 hours, its a shame to see it leave, i don't know how bad the server got but what I do know is that we had our last golden age at the end, server was packed, so much we had to increase the server cap to 72 players, FiveM was a huge part of my life and in turn edgegamers was a huge part in my life - I hope to see the server return in gta 6, I for one will be looking out for our server.

so many good moments man, ill relink what i linked in the discord on my favorite moments.

Although I've been banned oh so many times HA, I truly wanna say I had quite the time on this server meetings TONS of people and being able to create such a creative storyline for my characters as both Dickerson Colombo and Omalley Collymore. It sucks that the server had to go out the way it did but just know bad things don't last! Much love ClearRP and much love EGO!

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