What difficulty do you typically set your games at?

What difficulty do you typically set your games at?

  • Very easy

    Points: 2 1.8%
  • Easy

    Points: 9 8.0%
  • Normal

    Points: 59 52.2%
  • Hard

    Points: 28 24.8%
  • Very Hard

    Points: 15 13.3%

  • Total voters
Generally “normal”, I usually consider this to be what developers expected the game experience to be, not too much or too little.
Usually whatever is just above a basic or easy setting is where I start and go from there. I do the same when choosing salsa.
Mostly normal, but there are specific games that I will skip right ahead to the most difficult setting (Resident Evil, Metal Gear, every fighting game although it is preferable to play against real players)

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