Karaoke Night 12/16


Adam is a Ding Dong
TF2 karaoke night.png

TF2 Karaoke Night is back once again and it's time for some Christmas songs! With or without the bot, Minty and I look forward to hearing all of your beautiful voices on December 16th at 9PM Eastern time.

As usual, this event will be held in the discord auditorium. Invite your friends and tell everyone to come with you. Singing is not mandatory, but being kind and courteous is! All rules must be followed in order to participate. A full link to the rules of Karaoke Night can be found here.

This TF2 event is open to all and is hosted by myself, Minty, and the TF2 leadership team. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Artwork credit goes to @Alcha

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