Event 11/17/23 - Hide and Seek


Talent wins Games, Teamwork wins Championships

Host: Alex Alex


At the beginning of the trial, all players will go directly to the main building and allow the killer to reach Tier 3 Evil Within to unlock the "Kill" Ability. Once Tier 3 has been reached, the killer will pick a place on the map and be frozen for 30 seconds. Survivors will then be given 30 seconds to freely run to a position on the map. After 30 seconds, the hunt is on. Survivors caught by The Shape that are killed are out of the game. The match is over when all four survivors have been killed/sacrificed, or when the 7 minute timer expires.

Killer Rules:

Killer must be the Shape
Choice of 4 perks
Must bring BOTH iridescent add-ons
Must deafen during the match

Survivor Rules:

Choice of 1 perk
Entering lockers is not permitted
No Items
No Ghosting
No duplicate survivors

Banned Perks:

Boon: Shadow Step
Boon: Dark Theory
Ultimate Weapon

How do I attend?
We will be in the EdgeGamers Discord Event Room! It will be renamed for our event when the time comes!

Event times
7:00 PM | CST: 6:00 PM | MST: 5:00PM | PST: 4:00PM​
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