Important Event DBD Events Bulletin

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Please see below for a list of events the DBD team hosts and their respective descriptions!
Perk Roulette
Option 1: Custom Game
Players will use a random perk generator to let the game decide what perks to use in the game. Players may customize the generator to their liking to give them the most unique gameplay experience. This event allows for players to both test new perks, as well as challenge themselves with weaker builds they may not be used to using.

Killer Rules:
- No map offerings

Survivor Rules:
- No map offerings
Option 2: Regular Match SWF / Solo Killer
Players will use a random perk generator to let the game decide what perks to use in the game. Players may customize the generator to their liking to give them the most unique gameplay experience. This event allows for players to both test new perks, as well as challenge themselves with weaker builds they may not be used to using.

Since you are going against random players, there are no rules
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Hide and Seek
At the beginning of the trial, all players will go directly to the main building and allow the killer to reach Tier 3 Evil Within to unlock the "Kill Ability. Once Tier 3 has been reached, the killer will look into a wall/corner to remove any sight. Survivors will be given 30 seconds to freely run to a position on the map. After 30 seconds, the hunt is on. Survivors caught by The Shape that are killed are out of the game. The match is over when all four survivors have been killed/sacrificed, or when the 7 minute timer expires.

Killer Rules:

Killer must be the Shape
Choice of 4 perks
Must bring BOTH iridescent add-ons
Must deafen during the match

Survivor Rules:

Choice of 1 perk
Entering lockers is not permitted
No Items
No Ghosting
No duplicate survivors

Banned Perks:

Boon: Shadow Step
Boon: Dark Theory
Ultimate Weapon

Players will enter a one-versus-one trial. The goal is to loop the killer for as long as possible. Completing generators or escaping through the hatch is not the goal. When the trial starts, players will begin at the killer shack, with the survivor beginning next to the pallet, and the killer beginning in the doorframe on the opposite side of the shack. The survivor will signal the start of the chase by crouching twice. Normal chase then ensues. After the survivor is downed, players may either choose to restart the trial to reset the pallets, or continue in the same trial. Whichever player has the better time on the survivor side wins the 1v1.

During the chase:
Survivors may heal
Survivors may recharge their exhaustion perk
Survivors may NOT enter lockers
Survivors may bring ONE exhaustion perk and a medkit with no addons

Killers may ask where the survivor went if they lose track of them. Survivors must tell them.
Killers may bring ONE chase perk (Ranged Killers may bring two chase perks)

When in the 1v1, you MUST deafen to make it fair for both sides and to avoid any distractions from the audience. No back-seating or stream sniping.
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Tournaments will be rare events with specific rules and guidelines for both killer and survivor to ensure balanced gameplay for both sides. The host will create and present specific rules for killers and survivors in tournaments on the official thread for the event.

General Rules are as follows:

  • Tournament signups will require a minimum of four players per team, and have a maximum of seven players per team.
  • Participants may not play for more than one team.
  • Players not currently in the match being played may not comment, nor give information to players in the match
  • Any form of cheating will result in immediate disqualification for the entire team and possible disciplinary action for all players caught
Horror Movie Night

Event Host(s) will select a horror movie or poll the DBD Events role in discord to ask for suggestions. Participants are free to break out popcorn, candy, and enjoy the film as a group.

  • Idle chatter should be kept to a minimum to ensure others can enjoy the movie. Questions can be DMed to any event host.
  • If the group watching wants to, people are welcome to queue DBD games with mics on and watch the movie on the side
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Guess Who

The entity has decided to test the knowledge of its unwilling subjects! Players on opposing teams will each pick a survivor or killer. Taking turns, each team will ask questions to narrow down the list of characters to determine which character the opposing team picked. The first team to use one of their questions to correctly guess the opposing teams character wins! Be careful with reckless guessing though, as two incorrect answers will count as an automatic loss!

  • Teams must alternate asking questions
  • Questions may only ask one piece of information / only one question can be asked / no compound queestions
    • Does your character live in the woods? (This would be allowed as it is one question)
    • Does your character live in the woods and throw hatchets? (This would not be allowed as it is two questions)
  • The final "guess" MUST be used as a question. It cannot be asked during the other teams turn.
    • If you ask a question and it narrows down the answer for you, you may not then say "Oh it's ____". You must wait
  • Teams have one "freebie" guess - Guessing an incorrect character twice counts as a loss
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