Something that doesn't make sense to me

b t

Maybe it's just me ...

But the new camping changes haven't seen to actually made that much of a difference in terms of tunneling. In both my experience playing killer and survivor, I feel more and more that camping is still viable, sometimes even encouraged. The changes don't stop proxying. In fact, you can stand on top of basement and the bar barely goes up for the survivor hooked. Even if they are not in basement, you can still practically wait at hooks a respectable distance away and get right back on the unhooked survivor when they are saved.

I am seeing people on both sides saying the changes were "too much of a nerf". Stuff like "removing grabs was enough" and "survivors just got mft so we need to camp", but realistically I am winning about 95% of my games on killer if I am trying and have decent add ons and perks (3 or more kills). On the survivor side I am winning a good amount but only when the killers "play nice". When killers are trying to win, which I honestly believe all killers should, they tend to beat me and my team. The same is true for myself - those 95% of games I win are because I want to win. I'm not toxic but I do try my best. The only times I seem to lose on killer are either cause 1. I got outplayed (mindgamed, committed to hard to a chase, etc) or 2. Items.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't think mft is that bad and neither are chase perks. I am more scared of anti tunnel perks, second chance perks, and good items that make the game faster for the survivors (toolboxes) or make them last longer (medkits, flashlights).
I think it's a party game that should be played 4 fun and people will always complain about balance. When you stop caring about winning or losing and just care about having a good time with your friends, it no longer matters.

Competitive gaming spreading its ugly tendrils everywhere led to the rise of toxic gaming culture. Where people value winning more than they value fun. What's the solution? Who knows. All I know is that when I first played DbD on release, I. Had. A. Blast; playing with friends, and later down the line with different friends I hear people losing their minds over the same stuff I used to laugh and joke about.
What's the solution?
Add more DLC!

In all seriousness though you're right. I think this game is taken too seriously by most. It's a little concerning considering how it's the only game in the genre that continues to last. Maybe TCM will be the turning point? Who knows.

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