If you care about your financial future READ THIS

Chunky Chez

If we are already posting and discussing things that are related outside of the game, why not post and focus on the things that actually matter and can change your life.

For anyone that cares about their financial future, you should already know how the government prints your hard earned money away at 5-8% yearly. What should you do about it? Invest into assets with the cash you don't need, since assets go up in value with inflation.

Cryptocurrency has been proven to be the best performing asset class of all time.

Anyways, to make things short, for anyone that believes Bitcoin will reach its all time high within the next 1-2 years, it just printed a 10% weekly candle, over the last 4 days.

Good altcoins with product market fit, with a good community and a good founder, have higher risk but also much higher %%% potential. Hence HEX printed a 43% candle over the last 4 days.

When an altcoin follows the pump alongside bitcoin, that is usually a good indicator that it's going to follow it over the next future pumps as well. This also goes the other way, if any of you are holding altcoins in your portfolio that didn't pump within last 4 days, consider removing them, because its likely they are a loser.

Important dates/events:
1. Bitcoin ETF is yet to be announced by Black Rock, gonna be a major news event pump.
2. Nov 1 potential 0.25% interest rate hike by the fed.
3. Nov 28 HEX founder Richard Heart has to appear in court for the SEC lawsuit.
4. Bitcoin halving happening sometime in April 2024

HEX lawsuit by the SEC is the only big risk factor that may hinder price adoption, but it is expected to be won and resolved within 1-2 years with an approx. 90% certainty (based on my research, and SEC had just recently dropped the lawsuit against XRP)
Even with the lawsuit in progress tho, HEX has still pumped and had outperformed bitcoin by 4x.

I've attached 3 pictures, bitcoin performance over the last month, hex performance over the last month and bitcoin log chart over the last 12 years.
The bitcoin log chart is for everyone that doesn't believe in crypto and is too lazy to learn and take on short term volatility aka "risk". As we can see on the bitcoin log chart, it has reached new all time highs over the years. Even if you just bought and held, you would be up on your money in the long run.

HEX is the first blockchain CD, certificate of deposit. Meant to act just like your savings account in the bank does. You lock up your HEX for the time period that you choose, and you are rewarded with interest overtime (this is called a stake). Without middlemen in the system (bank employees) and with a generous founder that has been retired for 20 years who isn't locking up his supply of the coins, the HEX APY % can be as high as 30%, and even higher when other people cancel their stake early, with the half of the penalty fees being redistributed across the current stakers in the system, hence rewarding the people who are able to delay gratification and live up to their agreement of locking up their HEX for the timeframe that they have chosen.

That's the most simple way to explain HEX in 4 sentences. If I get like at least 10 people that are interested to hear more without diving into their own research first, I have no problem making a second thread just on HEX specifically.

p.s There are 2 versions of HEX with different prices. HEX on Ethereum and HEX on pulsechain. (HEX on pulsechain is the one that's expected to perform better, hence that was the reason for its launch, and hence the price of it is 2x higher than HEX on Ethereum.)



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Investing in crypto is akin to gambling. It is far too volatile. Everyone thinks they'll be on the next big wave and make it big but you all already missed the boat.

You're much better off just tossing 3-5% of your pay into a 401(k) especially since most employers, even retailers, are matching contributions now.
Investing in crypto is akin to gambling. It is far too volatile. Everyone thinks they'll be on the next big wave and make it big but you all already missed the boat.

You're much better off just tossing 3-5% of your pay into a 401(k) especially since most employers, even retailers, are matching contributions now.
I hope this thread can:
1. Remain not censored, so other people have an opportunity to look at it and think for themselves.
2. Maintain as a bias free discussion.

If the log chart of bitcoin didn't help you realize that investing into crypto isn't just gambling.
Then hopefully the log chart of the entire crypto market for the last 10 years could show you, that investing into cryptocurrencies has been proven to be a net positive result.
"volatility is the price you pay for the worlds best performing asset"
The reason it's volatile is because it requires very few economic mass to move the price, which is a good thing; this is opportunity, the fact that it's not adopted to the same marketcap as gold, silver, real estate, 401k, S & P 500 (stock), is opportunity.
Bitcoin can hardly even be considered a volatile investment now, since its already up 1,000,000x from its ATL. But it still has another 3-5x in it. Way more than you can get in a 401k, real estate or any other oversaturated investment that is already well known and adopted.

Yes. 98% of crypto is a scam or is going to go to 0 and never recover.

It is important to invest into the coins that have the 3 following things:
1. Active Community.
2. Reliable Founder.
3. Good tokenomics

My goal of this thread isn't to promote and get people into a scam/dump; hence I am posting about this before the price potentially massively runs up and before you start hearing about "bitcoin is the future" in the news.
But that will happen over the next 1-2 years, after which the risk of buying becomes much greater, since the 4 year cycle will be coming to an end.
We just survived the first 2 years of the 4 yearly cycle, the bear market, aka, the big dip.
Bitcoin had already bottomed at $15k, now its almost back at $30k.
I do gambling professionally for a living over the last 3 years.
Investing into cryptocurrencies is not the same as gambling at a casino.
You have an edge by getting in early and getting in on the dips + with a long time horizon even if you buy the top, you will still be profitable over the long run, because the overall market cap of crypto reaches new all time highs over the years. (I will attach the photo)
The market cap of HEX is already at 1 billion $USD, your buying order won't even be seen on the chart.
This isn't a shitcoin that I am promoting to profit off of anyone; this is for everyone's own sake.
I simply feel like sharing this information, because I have played in this community for over 5 years.
My goal is not to reconvince you (Luna or anyone else that's simply not interested); ignorance will be your own downfall.
I hope that I provide insight and incentivize some people to do research themselves and eventually allocate a certain % of their portfolio across BTC and HEX (on pulsechain), this way it is easier for you to stomach the volatility and secure that you are going to be in profit over the next 1-2 years.


The overall crypto market cap has increased from 1 billion to 1 trillion $USD over the last 10 years.

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Anyways, to make things short, for anyone that believes Bitcoin will reach its all time high within the next 1-2 years, it just printed a 10% weekly candle, over the last 4 days.

Bitcoin has no inherent value and it isn't used for trade. The only reason value would increase is because the popular opinion is that it will increase, driving demand as people invest and "ride the wave".

2. Maintain as a bias free discussion.
The thread is inherently biased since you stand to gain by people investing in bitcoin at this phase.
This is a lot of stuff to read and quite frankly, I don’t care for it. I won’t speak for other Leadership, but I come here to get away from reality and play video games with the best community on the internet, not be reminded about finances.
This is a lot of stuff to read and quite frankly, I don’t care for it. I won’t speak for other Leadership, but I come here to get away from reality and play video games with the best community on the internet, not be reminded about finances.
The one piece is real
As most of you are younger, i would HIGHLY suggest ROTH IRAs. You pay tax now but NONE on the back end. It's limited how much a year, but you can put the balance into a normal IRA.

Oh, and if your employer matches a 401K make sure to take full advantage of that!
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency have significant advantages and can be essential tools to exchange money across countries Or other restrictions that make exchanging currency impossible.

Unfortunately, cryptocurrency has now been marked as Just another scam. Don't get me wrong, people can make some money with a cryptocurrency if you are a whale in the market, but starting from scratch in this day and age will be almost impossible.

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