Delivered CS:S - The server is disconnecting people for no obvious reason.


Don't worry, be happy!
Senior Manager
What is the scope of your bug report?

Short description of the bug
The server is disconnecting people for no obvious reason.

Detailed description of the bug
Disconnecting players.
Unfortunately its very random and there is no specific thing you do that causes it. This morning it happened as I was scrolling through the console, I relaunched and it crashed again less than one minute later, I was just spectating waiting for the round to finish. I rejoined a third time and it didn't happen again until another half hour or so. It seems it will occur for a small window lasting a few minutes and then stops.
Looks like it happens to multiple at once. I was one with about 20 people on each side. Once the game crashed for me I saw each team had dropped to 10. Now its down to 6-8 each side now.
Curious if this is actually getting worked on? We're closing in on 2 weeks with this issue. Player numbers have dropped significantly because lack of confidence the server will ever be fixed.
Yeah it happened again today. Around 2pm pacific time. Alot of dedicated supporters are getting frustrated with this issue