Got Starfield?

Got Starfield?

  • Yes

    Points: 19 20.4%
  • No

    Points: 74 79.6%

  • Total voters
I'm interested, but will likely wait for a sale price... too many other games have my attention currently too!
Sorry for the late bump, but I hadn't ever been interested in giving the game a fair shake.
Perhaps I will give Starfield its chance, but way down the line, as I usually do with games. X) I have been extraordinarily late with some classics (still have not finished Half Life, or Skyrim.....I know, I KNOW!!) but all in due time. Lol.

Fallout, on the other hand, with all of the buzz around the TV show, has been seeing a lot of new and returning players alike in the past month or two. I personally got into Fallout a bit after the corona outbreak, and was reading up on the lore from the first two games.

I ended up giving Fallout 76 a chance, and I'll admit I'm having way more fun with it than I previously imagined.

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