Game Overview - Starfield

Starfield Heidi 24-09-2023.png

Game Overview - Starfield

"To set foot on the soil of the asteroids, to lift by hand a rock from the Moon, to observe Mars from a distance of several tens of kilometers, to land on its satellite or even on its surface, what can be more fantastic? From the moment of using rocket devices a new great era will begin in astronomy: the epoch of the more intensive study of the firmament." Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The wonders of the universe are just a few clicks away, fellow explorers. Starfield is officially underway and upon us!

Starfield has been a highly anticipated game ever since its announcement in 2018, and its full launch on September 6th has not disappointed! From exploring the cosmos, to fighting challenging and novelty enemies alike, to fun and exciting quests; there is something for everyone!

The game has three pricing options

The first option is the base game, which costs $70

The Premium Edition costs $100 and includes the following:

Shattered Space Story Expansion (upon release)
Constellation Skin Pack: Equinox Laser Rifle, Spacesuit, Helmet and Boost Pack
Access to Starfield Digital Artbook & Original Soundtrack

The final option for purchase is through having Xbox Game Pass. This option is currently costing $10 (PC only) for 1 month, and $18 for Ultimate (PC+console) for 1 month.

Now, let's hear some more about the game!

Man the helm, you're voyaging through the cosmos. You start off joining a mining operation deep within an unhabituated planet, coming into contact with an unknown object known as an artifact. A vision appears and you are given a small insight into the expansive universe you will be traversing. Being knocked out cold from this interaction, a member of the space exploration organization called Constellation is intrigued and tasks you after you awake with the search and retrieval of these same artifacts through the system. You will cram yourself into a ship of your design using materials gathered to create simple to outrageous builds, Grav jump across systems, defend yourself against the flaunt and fauna of the stars, and be forced to make decisions dictating the very path your character will follow.

Challenge yourself to learn the skills you need throughout your journey, including social, physical, combat, science, and tech. Now you are no pirate, so be aware of the forces you confide with. Authorities, merchants, and the very NPC behavior of an entire city can change based on who you choose to be. In addition to the core storyline, hours and hours of side quests and exploration await you in the desolate system.

It's fun, a little buggy once a day or so but other than that, it puts some other space games I played to sham. I hope that when multiplayer comes out, it'll be a spectacular game. I like the space battles where I can fight pirates and actually control the ship either doing a barrel roll or a flip. There is stuff that is weird but in a good way.
Rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It's quite an adventure, with pretty neat exploration mechanics, I have always been a fan of Bethesda RPG games, Starfield is one of the best in my opinion. I enjoy the mods and being able to spawn in NPCs and have them battle each other lol.
5 stars if you enjoy RPGs even if they are a bit slow to get to the action. Would recommend.
Rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The complaints about the planets are pretty spot on. There are sparing locations on each one and they're often far apart. That being said, I've been REALLY enjoying it. I don't enjoy having to run everywhere but it's really not that far. I play with keyboard and mouse but my buddy tried to use his flight system thing for the space combat and said it flat out didn't work. I love that I can pick up a pot and put it on someone's head and steal their things without getting caught. Just based on how much fun I've been having with it, I'd give it a 4 out of 5. I'd recommend it just based on the story being pretty interesting.
Rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

(Favorite part) The exploration despite a good chunk of the game being procedurally generated feels really good and clean when exploring new planets. It's pretty good, performance will be an issue if you have a mediocre or worse PC and is terribly optimized. There are also a lot of loading screens, but besides that, the rest of the game is pretty great, and feels like Fallout took to space and some expansion on their outpost system. Overall I would recommend it to somebody with a good PC but if you don't have a good PC, wait until they optimize it better.
I would give it 3 stars.
Rate: ⭐⭐⭐

Having Fallout 3 being my favorite game of all time, my hopes for Starfield were very high. I can say, with the exception of a few bugs (expected with most new launches) that I have been extremely satisfied. The storyline is not only intriguing but also very entertaining. Not even including the side quests that are packed full of story and exploration, I have been pleasantly surprised by the game. With the added benefit of it being available on Game Pass, the bar of entry to play this wonderful game is quite low. I'd say my favorite aspect of this game is the ability to just explore. Some have said that this is a near rip-off of No Man's Sky, but not only are there seemingly endless areas and planets to explore, but there are always activities to keep yourself occupied and having fun (with side quests literally almost everywhere you go). If you like space, exploration, and an extremely fascinating storyline, definitely pick up Starfield.
Rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


OS: Windows 10
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X or Intel Core i7-6800K
Memory: 16 GB Ram
DirectX: Version 12
Video: AMD Radeon RX 5700 or NVIDIA GeForce 1070 Ti
Storage: 125 GB Available space

OS: Windows 11
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X or Intel i5-10600K
Memory: 16 GB Ram
DirectX: Version 12
Video: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
Storage: 125 GB Available space

Art: @heidi | Writing: @whnheaven, TehRaddish TehRaddish | Editing: @Lucas15 | Interviewer: @Immaculate

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4 stars: Easily the least buggy Bethesda game released to date. 1 star removed purely because I'm having to make such a statement. Lmao

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