A fix for sprays and peeks feeling "wrong" in CS2.


The Donkey
It's a well known fact that CS2 feels kind of off. Turns out it's from desync due to the way interpolation works right now, specifically tied to cl_interp.

So, if you want a fix, here you go.

1. Navigate to your games library in Steam, right-click CS:GO, highlight "Manage" and select "Browse local files."

2. Open the "csgo" file folder.

3. Open the "cfg" file folder.

4. Create a new text document titled "autoexec.cfg" minus the quotations.

5. Paste the following into the autoexec file:

cl_updaterate 128

cl_interp_ratio 1

cl_interp "0.015625"

Include the quotations on the final line.

6. Save the file, and close the windows.

The file will force the game to apply these parameters every time you launch CS2 going forward. For me, it made a MASSIVE difference in hit registration, sprays feeling proper and not dying to enemies from behind walls.

Valve deprecated these commands, this is no longer viable.
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I added it to my autoexec after seeing the post on Reddit. Only played 1 game so far and couldn't really tell a difference, but that's too little to tell for sure.

Also if you have internet that isn't stable or you notice issues, try cl_interp "0.03125" instead of the value in the main post.

For anyone looking for the explanation of why this seemingly works, it's on this Reddit post -
I added it to my autoexec after seeing the post on Reddit. Only played 1 game so far and couldn't really tell a difference, but that's too little to tell for sure.

Also if you have internet that isn't stable or you notice issues, try cl_interp "0.03125" instead of the value in the main post.

For anyone looking for the explanation of why this seemingly works, it's on this Reddit post -

Good lookin' out!
Interp and rate settings have always helped in CS. I'd recommend reading up on it and experimenting to find what settings work best for you individually instead of just assuming some guide has the best settings. Especially because your own network performance can have a big impact on what settings to actually use.
I haven't noticed a difference yet honestly, and apparently neither did this guy -
Sadly, the fix doesn't work for everyone. It's helped me, but honestly, it's worth the shot.

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