Voice Channels


Forum Fiend
Hello everyone! I apologize if this has been asked or posted elsewhere. I'll make this straight to the point by asking; do we have some kind of centralized chat/server that we can all just hangout/talk/game? Something akin to Ventrilo back in the days, or even TeamSpeak 3. I'm not entirely sure when these services (TS3, Ventrilo) were dropped in favor of Discord, but I can't help but notice how much easier it was to socialize with fellow clan members previously, on aforementioned services.

I'm wondering if something happened in the past, where voice channels are now prohibited or something. I find myself often wanting to connect with other clan members while I'm at my desk/during gaming hours, but often don't have time to do anything more than quickly check forums, let alone posting or hop onto our official servers (which sometimes only have pubs/regulars, which is fine as well)

Did anyone else notice, does anyone else feel the same way? I'm curious if most of us here remember Ventrilo and TeamSpeak 3, and what you all prefer in terms of voice chat. Does it matter to you, perhaps not? Should we have open voice channels in Discord categorized by division/game?
A lot of us would love to have the experience of Vent or TS3 again.

With discord though, anyone can easily make their own server. It's free and easy to setup. So most people just hang out with their friends in private servers.

We'd love to have more activity in our main discord. I know I'd love to be able to socialize and make new friends with fellow members. It's definitely a challenge trying to get people to spend more time in our server as opposed to their friends' private servers.

I'd love to hear from our members on what we could bring to the table that would convince them to use our discord voice channels more.
I'm wondering if something happened in the past

Nothing bad happened or anything. The overall demographic of eGO has shifted a lot over the years and is majority younger people who never grew up on Vent/TS3 and Discord is the cool thing now. People fought pretty hard for eGO to make Discord it's main thing and gravitate away from TS3.

I miss the same thing you're seeking as well.
Teamspeak was one of the best ways to meet people from other games within EGO, I would totally agree with that. Even though we all had our own interests, it was much easier to go and talk with other gamers in a server that was completely central and all in one place.

I tried to get back into EGO and gaming since the switch to Discord, and have found myself disconnected from the community because there isn’t a centralized voice communication… especially with Discord, I always associated it with text and not so much voice channels.

Times have changed and maybe part of the reason I am struggling to adjust is because I’m stuck in the past, but Discord isn’t as personable as Teamspeak in my opinion. With Discord, you can get away with no voice channels, but Teamspeak was very heavy on voice communication which made for more personal connections with members.
I couldn't have said or expressed it any better; things do feel disconnected. Do we know who is running/managing the Discord server? Would we be able to come up with some sort of experimental voice channel(s) and see how it goes with members from all divisions?

Maybe before doing so, we can run a few polls and see how most clan members feel about this proposition throughout all divisions. I'm honestly hoping more members get eyes on this thread and chime in!
Do we know who is running/managing the Discord server? Would we be able to come up with some sort of experimental voice channel(s) and see how it goes with members from all divisions?

Leadership as a whole runs the server. There's several voice channels already that are open to all. However, I don't see many people in them often and they mostly only fill up for events.

I think quite a few people have separate servers of their groups of friends and spend more time there hanging out overall, than in a centralized location now. Overall not a ton of general chatter in Discord either even for text chat... sort of the same handful of people overall regularly active, I find.

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