Do you check game review websites before making a new game purchase?

Do you check game review websites before making a new game purchase?

  • Yes

    Points: 7 35.0%
  • No

    Points: 13 65.0%

  • Total voters
I don't check major review outlets, but I do check some smaller or independent reviewers from time to time. All in all it rarely has an effect on my decision to purchase
Not really. Sometimes I pull up "review" videos just to see how the game plays, but generally am not paying attention to what's being said.
If its a story game if it has a intresting plot ill just play it, but if Its a multiplayer game then ill look at reviews on it before purchasing. I always look at reviews and issues with anything before buying, so itll last me longer
Absolutely, I won't buy a game with major bugs. When it is ready to go, I am ready to go.

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