Grand Theft Auto FiveM Rundown!

GTAVFiveMRundown Ultralight 14-8-2023-(1).png

Grand Theft Auto FiveM Rundown!

Today's iteration of Rundown is coming up, giving a rundown on Grand Theft Auto V/Fivem. We'll provide all the essential information so you won't miss anything. Additionally, we have exclusive insights from the GTA Leadership team.

update notes.png

The ClearRP FiveM server has been actively developing since the full server reset. Underneath you can find all the announcements made in the ClearRP discord over the last 3 months!

Today, we are thrilled to announce that the Chief of Police will be transitioning from an official who is selected by the mayor to being someone who is voted in by the public. This means that the Chief of Police will now be an elected official by the people, similar to how the Sheriff currently operates. Please stay tuned for when the next Chief of Police election will take place, as it will most likely be in the September timeframe.

Ey, listen up, all youse mugs! It's been gettin' real clear that some of ya are breakin' character while hangin' around in my territory. I ain't gonna stand for that nonsense. So here's a friendly reminder: ya better stay in character, capisce? No exceptions. The team's gonna start kickin' folks who can't keep up with the act (don't worry, ya can rejoin, it ain't no permanent ban... for now).

But lemme tell ya, if this keeps goin' south, we won't be so kind. Bans might be the next step, and trust me, youse won't like that. Now, even them little quirky remarks ya make in-character, like "I just created this character 3 days ago" or "Do you have god powers," cut that out! And don't ya dare go pullin' any of that "Out of character," "Out of context," or "Out of RP" crap. Fuhgeddaboudit!

So, let's keep our focus on some top-notch roleplay, makin' scenes that'll put a smile on everyone's face. And remember, when you're in my city, you better be playin' the part, or else you'll be dealin' with me, capisce? Now, get outta here and show me what you got!

Some changes have been made in the suggestion area. From now on, only users with an =(e)= tag will be able to create suggestions. If you are interested in applying for your =(e)= tag visit:

A friendly reminder that the suggestion channel isn't for general chit-chat. It's best to react with a yes/no emoji or briefly explain why you agree or disagree with the suggestion. We shouldn't be arguing or putting people down for the suggestions that they have created. We are all here contributing to a common goal, which is to improve the city. If you have any questions feel free to open a ticket.

Just a heads up for the changelog that will be rolling out later today. Some of the changes that are being implemented will facilitate the saving of vehicle liveries (finally, I know), but something that you might see as a result is the color of your vehicles being different. You will need to go to Benny's and repaint the vehicle to your liking.

Community Update 7/22/2023

It's important you review our latest community update as it provides two reminders of the realignment of our Community Management team as it pertains to Grand Theft Auto. We want to be sure that both <@116366833321246720> and <@255853636096098304> are not only recognized for their efforts but also provide clarity to their areas of responsibility. You can review the full EdgeGamers Community Update below.



Additionally - I would like to rally attention around the support needed to keep EdgeGamers and our ClearRP server moving forward. Bluntly - Grand Theft Auto is the most expensive game we support in our community. It takes a lot of funds to provide the experience we seek out to provide. While we contribute significant amounts towards GTA from our community budget and also support GTA independently from our own funds (myself, <@145040441266405386>, <@255853636096098304> and the rest of the dev team / leadership team have contributed significantly out of our own pockets) we still need donations to keep us growing. If you're interested in supporting and providing a monetary can do that from the links below.

Dedicated Supporter
You can subscribe to Dedicated Supporter, which allows you to contribute monthly. As a token of our gratitude, we recognize our Dedicated Supporters by providing various perks (typically not giving any advantage) to enjoy on our servers. Different contribution levels may provide different perks across our games, forums, and Discord.

Donations through Stripe / PayPal
If you prefer direct donations, you can still provide contributions through Stripe and PayPal. While these donations don't provide perks like Dedicated Supporter, they still help keep the lights on.

NEW Relaunch of EdgeGamers Store
We're excited to announce the relaunch of our EdgeGamers Store! Now you can purchase EdgeGamers or =(eGO)= merchandise, including apparel and accessories. We'll be continuously adding new designs over the next few weeks and months. If you're interested in supporting us by creating new designs, feel free to get in touch with me via a forum message.

Cheers friends,
Austin "Legend"
Chief Executive Officer

Hello Everyone,

Today, we would like to announce the creation of a new department in the city called San Andreas Medical Services (SAMS). SAMS will be responsible for providing top-of-the-line medical care to the Great State of San Andreas. The two main focus points of the department will be inter-facility care (doctors, nurses, etc.) and external-facility care (EMT, flight operations, etc.).

Since this is a new department, we will be opening an application for the Director of Medical Services position. The director will be responsible for creating and maintaining documentation, ensuring that department personnel are upholding medical standards, and facilitating community and departmental relationships.

The application period will run until 8/3/2023, after which interviews with members of Leadership will take place. This role will play a crucial aspect in creating and facilitating roleplay in the city, so please ensure that if you apply, SAMS can receive your utmost attention.

Application - <>

Please reach out to @Shampoo N Rinse with any questions.

The GTA Leadership Team is excited to announce our Summer Promotions & Awards! Thank you to all.

Join us for the roleplayers charity match live on LANFEST's Twitch channel! Help us raise money for two amazing charities.

Rules & Policy Updates 7/14/2023

Players- The following rules and policies have been added or modified following feedback from the community and extensive conversation from the leadership team. As always, the most up to date rules and policies may be accessed on the EdgeGamers forums.



Rule Updates / Changes
Notably, the rule of 4 will be returning in place of our trial of rule of 6. While we are satisfied with the results experienced with the rule of 6, it is the belief of the leadership team with support of law enforcement that they do not have the adequate staffing (across all times) to handle criminal call volume and their ability to actually roleplay to handle the rule of 6. As Law Enforcement grows it's ranks across all timezones we will look at moving back to a rule of 6.

* Illegal Activities: Rule of 4
  • A maximum of 4 individuals should actively participate in a heist or crime of violence. A fifth is allowed to act as a coordinator, spotter, or informer, but cannot provide assistance by transporting, joining combat, supplementing supplies, or other direct support
  • Pacific Standard Bank & Vangellico Jewelry Store may utilize 6 individuals.
  • Races are exempt from rule of 4 and have no limit of participants.
  • In the event a specific event occurs within the race involving Law Enforcement or other players, the rule of 4 applies to that situation only. (IE A racer is taken into custody by Police, only 3 other racers may attempt to rescue or break from custody.)

* Proper Vehicle Utilization
- Players involved in illegal boosting activities shall not return the vehicle to the drop off point until they have lost all pursuing police involved in the boost.

* Miscellaneous
- The use of “body worn camera” footage is not permitted in character. The only permitted footage permitted in character is footage captured by a physical phone (recorded on device in game) or a
News camera.


Rule Reminders
We've witnessed some common rules being broken or abused over the last few weeks. Please refresh yourself with the following specifically...

* Meta Gaming
  • Use of external voice communication or screen-sharing is prohibited.
  • Acting on videos or screenshots shared or viewed outside the city.

* Kidnapping & Robbery
  • Fake hostages are not permitted regardless of group limits.
  • Gangs / crews engaging in kidnappings should ensure the events have clear purpose and are not used as a means to grind cash through string-robberies.

* Proper Vehicle Utilization
- Incapacitated individuals should not be transported in / on vehicles that a person would not have the means of being transported safely with (carrying on a motorcycle / bicycle).


Court / Law Enforcement

* Hold Until Trial
  • Charges typically resulting in a Hold Until Trial will now become a choice of the player.
  • Players who enter a GUILTY plea and prefer to pursue roleplay in character through court may be held until trial at prison.
  • Players who enter a GUILTY plea may opt to be directly sent to prison for max time (180 minutes) and a fine penalty of 3x. For example, Weapons Trafficking holds a penalty of $35,000 / a guilty plea would result in $105,000.
  • Players who enter a NOT GUILTY plea (or other) may be held until trial at prison.

* Law Enforcement
  • All complaints, civil or criminal, will be investigated by Internal Affairs prior to any court action.
  • Officer complaints found as valid will now become a choice of the player.
  • Officer may opt to have actions forwarded to District Attorney for criminal action and roleplay to occur through court.
  • Officer may opt to have actions handled internally in department resulting in steep penalties including suspension and demotion.

We're excited to announce upcoming improvements to our job menu and job center. As a part of this change, we'll be completely reworking the jobs table in the database, which means everyone's current jobs will be reset. During the transition, staff will manually assign jobs to business owners and citizens in the city. After the initial phase, citizens will need to seek employment directly from businesses.

We appreciate your patience during this transition, as there may be temporary inconveniences. However, these changes will fix bugs and enhance the player experience. Additionally, we're removing the DMV in Vinewood and introducing the ability to purchase licenses from the job center near Legion.

Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to offering an improved job system and streamlined experience.

Introducing EdgeGamers Hour: RP Chat
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Tomorrow (Wednesday) we launch Episode 1 of EdgeGamers Hour: RP Chat with special guest <@217502877994713089>. This will be a streamed podcast dedicated to showcasing roleplayers on our ClearRP server and talking about what's on their mind as it pertains to roleplay. This is an open forum with no filters on what is discussed. We will dig into character development, roleplay basics, rules and various meta discussions as it pertains to the server. You'll be sure that we will get into some hearty debates as we dig into the opinions of the special guest each episode.

Tune in tomorrow at 7:00pm ET

We will also attempt to stream on the ClearRP TikTok @


As a reminder, Meta Gaming is against the server rules. Meta Gaming can be described as,

  • Use of external voice communication or screen-sharing is prohibited.
  • While in-city, players should not be viewing other players' live broadcasts.
  • Putting players' live broadcasts on the TV's using /pmms
  • Acting on videos or screenshots shared or viewed outside the city.
  • Transferring knowledge or tangible materials across characters on a single player's account.

If you are caught Meta Gaming, you will be punished accordingly. <:whyy2:820544722572673045>

I have two quick announcements for today. We will be having a bi-weeklyish meeting next tuesday (See Events Tab). This will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.

I want to also congratulate <@308744866433859585>(14 ⭐) and <@247923836455092224> (16 ⭐) for winning the Summer Clip Conest. Reach out to Typical to collect your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest!

Exciting news! The cop versus criminal gameplay in our city is getting an upgrade. For the next couple of weeks, we're increasing the cop versus criminal limit, allowing up to six criminals and ten cops to engage in intense and fun encounters across the city.

This change serves as a trial period to assess the city’s reception to larger scenes involving more players. We believe this adjustment will add a fresh and dynamic twist to cop versus criminal interactions.

We value balance and fairness. If any issues arise, the leadership team is ready to revert to the previous count. Our priority is to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Embrace this opportunity and share feedback during the trial period.


Good evening,

As mentioned at the emergency meeting, due to an unexpected complication, we have lost approximately 3 days' worth of data on the server's database. An oversight during a migration led us to unfortunately accidentally delete an instance that housed the production database. Our latest backup is from Wednesday, June 21, 2023 6:00 PM.

As we mentioned, we will be doubling payouts and XP on certain jobs (including boosting and trucking) as a way to say sorry and help everyone get back to where they were.

This will go into effect over the next couple of days.

Thank you.

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Today is your last day to submit your vote for the upcoming Sheriff of the Blaine County Sheriffs Office. Voting ends tonight! Be sure to voice yourself and submit your ballot at city hall.

Swearing in of the new SASP Director will be at 11:15pm EST out front of city hall!

We are aware of the drug selling issues, unfortunately since the resource is encrypted we are at the witz of the creator. There are multiple tickets on it in their discord and I will be monitoring it until a fix has been found.

Thank you for your understanding.

We are looking for help with tuning cars. If you would like to help, please reach out to me.

Requirement must be on the forms (e tag) to help with cars. We will teach how to tune as well, so no need to worry if you don't know anything.


Announcing Law Changes & Modifications

Good morning everyone,

After several hours of cooperation with the Department of Justice and the Los Santos Mayor's office, the DOJ is proud to present an update to the San Andreas State Statutes. These changes will go into effect, effective immediately. Please note, that any violations of the law committed PRIOR to the time of 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time will still follow the previous laws, even if prosecution is after that cut off time.

A special thanks to J. Neiman, J. Harris, and A. Kane for their assistance with the changing of these laws.

If anyone has any questions regarding the laws, we recommend you reach out to a lawyer who can assist you.

Title 2 - Court
Section Completely Reworked. Max Prices reduced. Court enhancement system changed.

Title 3 - Criminal Code
Fines are now based on a bracket which vary depending on the classification of a charge.
All charges now follow these brackets.
3-403 | Definition Changed
3-501 | Definition Changed
3-804 | Definition Changed
3-805 | Definition Changed
3-806 | Definition Changed
3-903 | Definition Changed - Time Increased - Moved to Class 1 Misdemeanor
3-1001 Loitering | Removed
3-1101 | Definition Changed
3-1102 | Definition Changed
3-1103 | Definition Changed
3-1104 | Definition Changed
3-1105 | Definition Changed - Hold Until Trial added
3-1106 | Definition Changed
3-1108 | Definition Changed - Vehicle Forfeiture removed - Notable Fine adjustment
3-1110 | Definition Changed
3-1113 | Definition Changed
3-1209 | Definition Changed
3-1212 | Definition Changed
3-1304 | Definition Changed
3-1702 | Definition Changed
3-1704 | Reduced to Class 1 Misdemeanor
3-1708 | Definition Changed - title changed
3-1709 | Definition Changed - title changed
3-1711 | Definition Changed
3-1801 | Definition Changed
3-2201 Minimum Height Limit Violation | Changed to 3-2202 | Definition Changed
3-2201-1 Police Aviation Exemption | Changed to 3-2201 | Definition Changed

Title 4 - Cities & Towns
4-104 San Andreas Good Price Act | Law Added
4-104-1 Repeat Violation | Law Added
4-105 Los Santos Better Business Act | Law Added
4-201 | Definition Changed
4-201-1 | Definition Changed
4-301 Municipal Tax Evasion | Law Added
4-302 Municipal Tax Fraud | Law Added
4-303 Legal Malpractice | Law Added

Judge J. Verdin
Department of Justice
State of San Andreas

*Bi-Weeklyish Meeting Tomorrow *
A good opportunity to have the leadership address questions.

Spring 2023 Clip Contest Video

__Start of Summer 2023 Clip Contest __

It has come to our attention that players have been dropping off their boost cars while mid chase with police. Please do not do this as it treads the line of powergaming and doesn't allow police any way to confiscate winnings regardless of arrest. Lose the cops and then drop the vehicle off to the destination. We shouldn't have to say more on the topic as it's pretty straight forward.

3k followers let’s goooo!!!! View attachment 17855

Check out EdgeGamers Meet the Leadership starring our very own <@116366833321246720>!


Please do not destroy the work of our members in the DOJ who commit a lot of time to prepping cases and scheduling dates/times for all parties to end a court hearing by engaging in violent RP at the courthouse to end an entire trial. It's selfish and extremely frustrating for the parties who have their work flushed down the toilet. I'm not saying it can't happen, I am saying that you should be respectful of the work that goes into coordinating those hearings.


Afternoon / Evening / Morning everyone! I hope yall have been doing good. It is about time that an announcement to everyone needs to be made regarding the same thing that has been said many times in past.

There has been an increasing use of discord for communication about in game topics. Most of the communication needs to happen in game. It is simple to pass words from one employee / person to the other - not everything has to be here.

The purpose of this discord is not to Discord RP. Please do not abuse it.

Furthermore, as a general reminder, the use of 3rd party discords voice communications are not allowed while you are playing in the city.

It is a direct violation of server rules.

It also doesn't only affect people who made it, but rather people who are a part of these 3rd party discords voice communications while playing in the server.

You are playing with fire if you are in one of these discords and using voice communications while playing in the server as we will eventually find out and will be forced to have people take vacations. Let's keep communications in city and have fun roleplaying together.

Other than that, I hope yall have a lovely day.


<@&1094426808545464320> Some notes, announcements, and clarifications from leadership. Relaying here...

-30 day statute of limitations
-15 day expiration of arrest warrants (may refile one additional time for a second 15 day warrant)
-7 day expiration of search warrants

-DOJ will entitle individuals to $300 per minute served in the event of a not guilty verdict
-All compensation payments following trial are made from the state account

-Licenses are revoked by a Judge
-PD submits report to a Judge for removal
-Where approved, PD will revoke the license in MDT
-Individuals may appeal ruling through a Judge in an attempt to reobtain a license

-Court hearings will occur only on specific days as determined by judges
-Judges will sign up for and define these hours upon hire (will be posted in #doj-help)
EX: Justin Case (Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 7:00pm-1:30am)

-Individuals may request a "bench trial" which is an immediate trial through #doj-help
-If Judge is available, a trial will be held immediately
-PD should wait a maximum of 20 minutes before abandoning the search for a judge
-In the event search is abandoned, the arresting officer will sentence the individual and notify them they can dispute the charges in a criminal hearing by contacting a lawyer

-There is no bail except for hold until trial offenses
-All hold until trial offenses must be posted in #doj-help immediately upon custody of the individual
-An arraignment hearing must be held within 24 hours of the individual being charged and held at a police station or Bolingbrook Pen. otherwise subject is released pending trial date
-Trial date will be determined at arraignment hearing
-In the event a reschedule is needed for the original trial date, subject may only be held for 5 days with no clear trial date set

-Expungement operates through a separate court hearing
-DA has the authority to outright approve and skip a hearing
-Where a hearing is needed, DA will represent the interests of the state to why the individual should not have the record expunged
-Individual seeking expungement may have character witnesses present to speak on their behalf to why the record should be expunged

-Minimum 30 days as public defender
-Need to display clear competence of representation and court
-Recommended minimum of 3 court hearings (subjective to discretion of judge)
-Judge must sign off on the lawyer and approve of their competence of law/court to move out of public defenders office
-Once signed off, an LLC should be created (business license obtained) from the Mayor

-DA's office is responsible for the prosecution of criminals
-DA's office has zero obligation to represent law enforcement in civil hearings
-DA's office retains the right to dismiss charges as it pleases based on reports, evidence or testimony
-DA will make reasonable effort to contact law enforcement before dismissing a charge (allowing 14 days before outright dismissal)
-DA shall make contact in character first wherever possible utilizing email/text/meetings etc.
-When charges are dismissed, the police department is responsible for paying back any fines incurred as well as $300 per minute served at Bolingbrook
-Mission Row shall not be treated as a courtroom where lawyers and the DA are debating in the cells - this consumes law enforcement resources that need to be on the streets due to limited numbers

Meeting is starting soon in the coffee voice channel.
We're doing it on the City Hall Stage.

<@&1094426808545464320> - We will be pushing this today (eta 30 mins), doing final testing. If there are issues before primetime we will revert.

Followed by

We are reverting back, will need to continue fixing the reported issues, thank you.

Thank you for your understanding!

Hello everyone. We are reworking the boosting script and while doing that we have disabled vin scratching for the time being. If you try to vin scratch a car you will see that it will cost 99999 sCoin. It should be back soon 🙂

It’s that time again..


Meet us in the voice channel “coffee” May 11th 6PM EST. We will be going over a few topics regarding the server! Leadership and Advisors will be there to hear everyone’s feedback and any questions that you may have.

See you there :) ❤️

Last ping!

We're actively looking for members who may be interested in assisting with testing new upcoming server features and changes. We've added a role called <@&1102777894733893763> in <#1094413234930458654>. Those interested can react to the role to receive access to a private channel where members of the development team may come asking for volunteers to assist in testing! Anyone who abuses this role will be swiftly removed from the team. We look forward to working closely with some of you!

Looking to be a District Attorney for the State of San Andreas? We are now accepting applications. Send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest and what qualifies you for the position.

This position is one that should be held by someone for an extended period of time and can be available when needed for cases.

Congrats to @Shampoo N Rinse and Afroman Afroman for winning the Spring Clip Contest. Afroman has been nice enough to give his prize to Sarah. DM me to collect your prize.

The server going down has nothing to do with us, it is a FiveM issue and they are hopefully working on restoring everything soon 🙂

And as I say that, everything is coming back online.

leadership interviews.png

Some long term plans the team has for GTA is to, obviously, continue the grow the server. FiveM is a weird game because if we arent continuously pushing out new content for players, they will get bored. So always adding content is a must.

Large events in GTA are currently being planned. We try to keep our events in character for most of the time. Much recently we have had a demo durby, and races are constantly happening in the server. In the future we are looking to hopefully have another purge event, scavenger hunts and more.
GTA is always welcoming new players to come try the server out!

My ultimate goal is to expand our social media presence. Currently, we only post content on TikTok, but I'd like to start posting on Twitter and YouTube. As a team our overall priority is to expand and maintain our current player base.

Currently, our leadership team does not host any in-character events. However, our amazing player base plans various events, including car meet-ups, car drops, and themed parties. Outside of the city, I host some out-of-character contests. In the past, I have done several contests that involve sharing clips and screenshots.

Specific area that Typical covers is:
Discord Support/Tik Tok/Contests

Our long term goal is to have a constant player base ranging from 64-80 and to have various types of experiences and role-players. We are constantly updating our scripts to keep players happy and keep the flow going in the right direction.

At this moment, we do not have any events planned, but we want to start having in-game events that have prizes like cash, items, cars, etc. The events consist of Demolition Derbies, Custom Races, The Purge, Scavenger Hunts, Treasure Hunts, Laser Tag, Paintball, Airsoft, and much more.

We are always looking for more people to come play on our FiveM server! Anyone can play, it's open for all! We'd love to see you on our server soon!

My Primary Area is Civilian Jobs and Emergency Services when necessary.

upcoming events.png

Bi-Weekly Meetings - These occur every 2 weeks to get input from the ClearRP community on matters and allow leadership to give any updates and announcements

Mayor's Office: Scavenger Hunt (Saturday, August 19th at 7 pm EST) - Hunt around the city for $500k! Get your selfie sticks out and your sherlock caps on for this Scavenger Hunt. Friday 18th Aug at 7pm EST, starting at City Hall.

Premium Deluxe Motorsport: Restock Event (Sunday, August 27th 7pm EST - 8pm EST)

Mayor's Office: Lap Around Los Santos (Sunday, August 27th 7pm EST - 8pm EST) - Are you ready to show off your skills, push your limits and go head-to-head with the fastest drivers in town for a chance of winning a McLaren? Aug 26th 7pm EST, Race starts at Garage A. B-Class Cars Only

Writing: @dryden, @TehRaddish, @Lucas15 | Art: @Ultralight | Interviewer: Immaculate Immaculate

Check EdgeGamers out on Social Media:
Instagram | TikTok | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
In my opinion, ClearRP is the best-structured FiveM RP server around. Big shoutout to the developers and those who help run the day-to-day operations!

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