Important Announcement CS:GO Server Provider Changes

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On Saturday, July 29th, we will be undergoing a transfer of some servers to a new provider.
During this time, some servers may be offline or unstable while we get things sorted.

The following servers will be undergoing a transfer, and will be receiving a new IP address.
Be sure to favorite the servers so that it automagically updates the IP for you in your server browser!

  • Easy Bhop (
  • Beginner Surf (
  • TTT (
  • Jailbreak (

This post will be edited with the new IP addresses once they've been fully established, along with a comment on this post once the transfers have been completed.
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Bhop & Beginner Surf have been moved, their new IPs are listed above.

Jailbreak & TTT will move within the next day.
Jailbreak & TTT have been moved, their new IPs are listed in the original post.

Please let us know if any issues arise by making a Bug Report.
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