Drug Improvement thread


the all powerful dolphin
Hey all! ive been in this city for about 5 years now, and in that time i havent dreamed of a better place. But i have dreamed about making our city and our second home a bit better. Ive made countless suggestions and many of them were implemented and seemed to improve the city. Our devs work hard, but today im bringing forth something i think is a bit important, Cook spots shouldnt be in bum f*** no where, they should be nearby the city or in sandy shores to incentivize PD vs Cooks and Drugs Mules. its a lot easier for interactions to flow if we arent in the middle of nowhere doing our cooks, As someone who likes making the drugs in city, its really bumming that once you know the recipe, your not worried about any cop interaction until the Sell Location. This isnt fun, and personally i think cook spots should be at max in sandy shores, no further north and no where that doesnt make sense. To incentivize Roleplay for both crims and cops, cook spots should be places that make sense (in a realistic setting) there is at least two Meth Labs within the city that could be used as cook spots, cops know these spots are a location and if thats where meth was being cooked, they could notice cars outside and there could be a lot of roleplay that could be done just Cooks vs Cops. In the city i was in 6 years ago at this point, the cooks and the cops interacted a lot. It was a Experience system so you started at level 1 in the profession and once you reached 20 you were practically safe, but those 20 long levels. You risked blowing up, you risked alerting cops, and it kept EVERYONE on their toes. I think for drugs to be useful in a RP sense, it should work like that. you start as a inexperienced twerp and have to work hard to perfect your craft. instead of just paying or being told how to Cook something and never having to experience cops. In the end of the day this server is meant for Roleplay, and even when grinding there should always be a chance you might get interference

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