Event Monopoly Night: How Does it Work?


Active Member
What is Monopoly Night and How Does It Work?

I'm glad you asked! koth_monopoly Is your standard King of the Hill Map where the first team to capture and hold the control point until the timer runs out is the winner, but the with the twist that it takes place on the Monopoly board game itself and combines the rules of both KOTH and Monopoly to create a beautiful disasterpiece! On top of the regular KOTH rules the map also uses a "Luck Element", where there are both positive and negative effects that affects both teams. This takes the form of a dice system that dictates the Luck Element.
Dice Logic: The way that Dice logic works is that the first team to capture the control point also gets to roll the dice first, where it can land on any number ranging from 1-6. Once the number is drawn the teams respective "pawn" will jump to that number (with the pawns represented by Heavy bumper cars.) :)

Properties: Normally in Monopoly players can buy properties with their money, but since this is TF2 and all the money has been stolen by a crazy old man building a robot army powered by money (for some reason), all properties are free. Property spaces are indicated by pictures of other TF2 maps on the board. When your pawn lands on a property, a sentry will spawn on that spot. What level the sentry spawns as depends on how far along your pawn is on the board (from levels 1-3).

Side Note: Engies can adopt friendly sentries and use them for themselves.

Dice Properties: Here are how the non-properties spaces work:

  • Ammo Box: If your team pawn lands on this space, an "Ammo Box" will spawn on that space with a box full of ammo and only your team can use it.
  • Control Point Tax: If your team pawn lands on this space, the state takes the control point from both teams for 60 seconds (i.e. the control point is locked).
  • Support Train: If your team pawn lands on this space, a payload cart will spawn that goes around the map which replenishes health and ammo and only your team can use it.
  • Roll the Dice Again: If your team pawn lands on this space, you get to roll the dice again.
  • Free Parking: Does nothing unfortunately.
  • Go to Spawn Point: If your team pawn lands on this space, the opposing team will be locked in their spawn room for 30 seconds as a penalty.
  • Hospital: If your team pawn lands on this space, a hospital will spawn on the edge of the map where only your team can use it to replenish health.
  • Power-up Factory: If your team pawn lands on this space, a Power-up Factory will spawn on the edge of the map where only your team can use it, there are 3 power-ups inside the power-up factory that affects the wearer for 30 seconds, afterwards the power-up regenerates itself.
  • Debt: If any team pawn lands on this space, both teams will lose all their weapons except melee, along with resupplies and then cosmetics for 1 minute.
  • The Starting Point: The space where the pawns begin, if your team pawn completely circles around the board and returns to the starting point, your team will win crits for 15 seconds!
The Chance Dice System: Finally, in addition to using a regular dice, occasionally a "Chance Dice" will roll where either a unique positive or negative effect will occur that affects both players. What are these "effects" you may ask? You'll have to show up and find out!

Now that you know how Monopoly Night works, get out there and show those BLU and/or RED scum what for! Good luck and remember, have fun!

Credit to steam user TSP172 for creating this map!

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