Getting Diablo 4?

Getting Diablo 4?

  • Already got it!

    Points: 10 9.1%
  • I intend on getting it

    Points: 5 4.5%
  • Not sure yet

    Points: 26 23.6%
  • Pass, not my type of game

    Points: 69 62.7%

  • Total voters
I played a LOT of Diablo 3 but haven't in man years now. It was more fun when my college pals were playing with me :(
i played 1 2 and 3 and i hate to say this but also that other trash diablo game sadly but diablo 4 nope not getting it
I liked Diablo 1, loved D2, didn't really get too far into 3 but it was fun. I'll more than likely wait for a significant sale; there are only a few games I would pay full price for when newly released.
i picked the game up launch day. very smooth launch, but the recent patch has left a bad taste in many player's mouths.

i honestly think if you're playing casually, with no expectations, youll enjoy the game. just dont play sorcerer.

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