Announcement ClearRP Summer Clip Contest


I used moms credit card to buy this

Art: @Alcha

Today we are announcing the start of our Summer Clip Contest. If you'd like to participate in the contest, you can submit your clips in the #summer-clip-contest channel. Some of the submitted clips will be used as content for our TikTok account, and they will be compiled into a video. In addition, the top two clips with the most
reactions will receive a $10 Steam gift card. You can find more information below. If you have any questions feel free to open a ticket. The contest will end on July 2 and the winners will be announced.

ClearRP TikTok
ClearRP Discord

Contest Timeline

June 5 - July 1 | Accepting Clips
July 2 | Announce Winners

Contest Rules

1. You must be the owner of the clip.
2. Clips must be from the ClearRP FiveM Server *
3. You may submit an unlimited amount of clips
4. You can only win one prize
5. Clips can not have been summited in any other contest.

How to Vote

You can vote by reacting to your favorite clips with a star
. Clips are located in the #summer-clip-contest channel.

Old Contest Videos

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