Are today's video games easier or harder than they used to be?

Are today's video games easier or harder than they used to be?

  • Harder

    Points: 19 24.1%
  • Same as the before

    Points: 30 38.0%
  • Easier

    Points: 30 38.0%

  • Total voters
I'd say they are the same as before, but more games are being generated at a faster rate, and some require more of a grind or are locked behind certain pay walls, but neither case specifies the game being more difficult.
Harder, for perhaps unobvious reasons to most of you. Many of you only have a limited experience with the gaming world. I have played video games since the 1970's. To me a major aspect of difficulty has to do with the actual controller or number of commands that are available to the gamer. The original games had only a few buttons or commands that were accessible. Learning the commands for games in the early 1980's, for example, was pretty easy. A typical controller had Up-Down-Left-Right and maybe four or five buttons to access while playing the game. That was pretty much all you needed. Today, my mouse alone has 8 buttons and a scroll wheel. It has software that I can alter to make the game run smoother, making it harder to get just right. On top of that my keyboard can sometimes give me access to fifty or more keys. I have access to better weapons, equipment, and mods for just about every game. More choices in my opinion make the games harder.

In closing, I will say that there have always been hard games vs easy games. Memory limitations and controller limitations made some games harder back in the old days. The real time control of your character could be very frustrating because of equipment limitations. I still think overall todays games are harder (AND BETTER!), because of more choices, more memory, and higher equipment power.
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Its hard to say, it seems mainstream games generally prioritize low skill mechanics to make sure their games are accessible.

When games do things like only adjust hp and damage output for difficulty settings its just annoying. I think the best balance is a game with potential for movement mechanics or a high creative ceiling that doesnt necessarily force the player to utilize all of it, even if its all there.

Something I do notice is that games are getting better at not letting the player get lost. In old jrpgs like Final Fantasy especially you could skip a dialogue box in a one-time cutscene which held the key to progress, and no npcs around would be coded to point you in the right direction. Nowadays a "help" bar will pop up or you have quest logs.
There’s definitely more of a spectrum.
Nowadays, when a game wants to be hard, it is hard.

Take for example Half-Life 2, which is a cakewalk compared to some modern games.
I think it's probably about the same. If a developer wants to make their game hard then they can, like Dark Souls. But a developer can also dumb their game down like Blizzard did with WoW.

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