Would you want to see SCP Secret Laboratory as a supported game?

Would you want to see SCP Secret Laboratory as a supported game?

  • Yes

    Points: 75 57.3%
  • No

    Points: 22 16.8%
  • I have no idea what this SCP is

    Points: 34 26.0%

  • Total voters
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Yes, It's genuinely really fun and having a 24/7 server with friends and people you know makes things so, so much better.
My thought has always been, if there is admins or members of management willing to support the game then why not support the game, give it a shot (unless it's outrageously expensive to run.)
Yes it should we need it for all servers if possible.

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 04-37-47 Queen of Ice.png
For anyone answering that they don't know what SCP:SL is, it is essentially a multiplayer horror game where you either play with your designated faction or attempt to play alone to escape (or eliminate others) in a procedurally-generated level-based facility.

At it's core, the game is very dependent on community, because like many other games, the experience is largely made by the players actually playing. I have a solid 300h playing SCP:SL and still enjoy the game because not only is it fresh each round with the procedural generation and different people playing different roles, but because the game is largely defined by it's proximity voice chat, which is one of the main reasons it is perfect for a community supported game (but that'd be it's own tangent). The game also comes out with active updates to rework things, recently doing an engine update just 2 weeks ago.

If you are interested, check out a couple of these links;
https://store.steampowered.com/app/...ry (SCP:,of monsters and paranormal phenomena.

basically, game good.
try it some time.
have some fun.
vote yes on poll.
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