Some newbie advice for a week old player.

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Just wanted to post a quick hello to eGO and hopefully get some advice for a week-old player so I can represent the clan better in the future.

I pretty much only play our dust2 server and loving it. Trying to ask questions in-game whenever possible with amazing advice from the clan (especially blah_blah).

Figured i'd just post a thread on the forum to get a single source to return to for future advice. Any gun advice, keybinds, general strats and such would be most appreciated.

Cya in game :)
What kind of game do you play? Do you like to run a lot and shoot on the move? Or do you like to sit and camp a lot? Based on how you play, the best weapon choice can vary greatly.

If you like to run and gun, use smgs, they have good accuracy and are not effected by movement as much as the other guns, such as rifles. Personally I choose the mp5 because its fast, has a small spread on full auto, and hits where I tell it to aim :)

If you want to use a rifle, I recomend always stopping to shoot, and going down to a knee if possible. This will make them much more effective. All of the rifles should be shot in single or short bursts. For the ak, no more then 3, m4 no more then 5. Aim for the head too.

The shotgun is a great weapon for rushing because the accuracy has zero movement penalty. I recomend using the pump shotgun since you play dust because it has the ability to 1 hit kill from pretty decent range. I almost never use the autoshotgun. Unless you come around a corner and shoot all 7 shots off, I almost never kill anybody. The range of the spread is bad because it spreads out too quickly in a fan, allowing for hits of multiple people, but the pump shotgun has a circular spray, better for single person kills.

If you want me to go into detail about any other guns, just tell me :)
Well, it all depends.
If you have preference over different guns, you can have a playing style that reflects that.
For instance, if you loved the AWP, you would have a tendency to camp small corridors with a cursor pointed at the entrance ;), If you had a SMG, you would try and get at a closer distance, so you can effectivley kill someone. If you like rifles, your playing style can vary greatly, from camping and defending a bombsite, to rushing out and shooting like a madman.

But if you want to be able to do any of these? AWP, with a deagle ;).
Thanks for the advice :) i'm definatly more of a fidgety on-the-move kind of player so i think i'll try to better my skills with an smg.

I'm not to familiar with some of the acronyms. Not really sure what AWP is other than that it seems to be restricted on most servers i see. Also alot of people mention "para" what is that as well?

Thanks again :)

Also what is the main difference between the two mid-range cost smgs? The ump and i forget the other. Are they both pretty much same?
Thanks for the advice :) i'm definatly more of a fidgety on-the-move kind of player so i think i'll try to better my skills with an smg.

I'm not to familiar with some of the acronyms. Not really sure what AWP is other than that it seems to be restricted on most servers i see. Also alot of people mention "para" what is that as well?

Thanks again :)

Also what is the main difference between the two mid-range cost smgs? The ump and i forget the other. Are they both pretty much same?

The para is the ma1 machine gun. Its buy menu 5 (machine guns). The para is expensive but good for random kills in tight spaces like teh p90. P90 smg for rushes I would say, mp5 for anything, the tmp for tight spaces, and the third one forget the name is really bad. Most people prefer the AWP for sniping, M4 on ct, and AK on T.
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Thanks for the advice :) i'm definatly more of a fidgety on-the-move kind of player so i think i'll try to better my skills with an smg.

I'm not to familiar with some of the acronyms. Not really sure what AWP is other than that it seems to be restricted on most servers i see. Also alot of people mention "para" what is that as well?

Thanks again :)

Also what is the main difference between the two mid-range cost smgs? The ump and i forget the other. Are they both pretty much same?

Okay for now my 2 (cents)

(Read this if your trying to get into some serious business, a.k.a top-fragging and killing 2 people per round)

I need to fix blindsfell response first..

the "para" is actually the "machinegun" its original name is the "SAW" it holds a 100 ammo acount and hits just as hard as the CK-47 (AK)

the AWP (Magnum Sniper Rifle) is a powerful sniper that does 1-hit kill on Torso and Head, but does 80-85 dmg on ligiments. Most people call it the "noob cannon" but i beg to differ (and I wont get into the subject)

okay back on topic.. Here is some hints with 3 weapons that I am very familiar with

M4,AK, and Deagle

M4 (Default Weapon of the CT's)

Has a low recoil, silencer attachment, and also can pick off T's or CT's at a good distance.

I recommend this gun if your going to do some mid-close shooting but never far range, since it does 80-89 dmg per hit on the head. So you will not always get a HS with this gun..

Also, Death did state that you do 5 shot bursts with this gun. Well sorry to say that your wrong death, this gun can best be handled with 2-3 shot bursts for best accuracy. When you get the burst down, you will be making alot more kills trust me

AK (Default Weapon of T's)

Medium Recoil,High Damage Output,Great Control over long distances.

This gun is great for Long-Mid range simply because of the accuracy of this gun is stupendous!!

Though people will disagree saying that the recoil is way to high to be accurate, but if you can use the AK with a 1-2 shot bursts than you'll have alot of CT's scared of your presence at certain points.


1 Shot Kill to Head, Medium Damage, Great Accuracy Mid Range.

The only trick to this gun is to master "Strafe Stepping" and Aiming with it. That's all there is to it.

"Strafe Stepping" is when you press these 2 sequences..

Left,Left,Right,Shoot, Right,Right,Left,Shoot

Not only is it a dodge move, but it makes the deagle very accurate while moving. So you will get the "1 Deag" Most of the time..

And for Aiming, here is something ALOT of people do not know.. When you aim the Deagle.. aim with the lower Line on the cross hair

::Cross Hair Example::



Aim that at the head, and youll get a HS 90% of the time..

There is more stuff to learn such as "Positions","Walking","BHopping","Fast Ladder Climbing","Flash Points","Peeking Sights" and etc.. But for now just get your aim down and familiarize yourself with these 3 guns. Than take the next step..

(The Next Step you take is after your Kill to Death Ratio is Positive)

9-3 (9 Kills 3 Deaths) = +
0-2 (0 Kills 2 Deaths) = -

Oh and if you have any disagreements with some of my "suggestions" I have screenshots of scores with me using my techniques..

Italy Pub CT Side (Best Ratio)

Italy Pub T Side (Best Ratio)

The AWP-
Artic Warfare Magnum Sniper Rifle

This is one of the most used guns in the game, whether or not you know how to use it, it is up to you. This gun carries 10 rounds, and 30 rounds subsequently that you can reload with (I doubt you will ever use this many in a single round).

The AWP is a VERY unique gun, in that it can be used in Close Quarters (if you know how) as well as long distances. If you are unlucky enough to be shot in the arm, torso, or head, you will instantly be reduced to a pile of blood. However, being shot in the legs or feet makes sure the damage is only 85, and you can then be easily killed with a deagle.

Most (good) AWP players use the AWP in most situations, and contrary to popular belief, the AWP is deadly at a short range.

Aiming with the AWP is rather simple, as you just stand still, point your crosshair at what suits your fancy, and fire. Of course this is not going to be as simple as it sounds when you are using the weapon.

Also, the main thing you should NEVER do with an AWP, crouch. Crouching, while effective with other guns, will give you no better accuracy than simply standing still, and if you are crouching, your movement is weakend. You can crouch if you would like to use cover or something of that manner, but if you are out in the relatively open, this is a no-no.

AWPs can be most effective when camping a certain spot. i,e Double Doors in DUST2. This is where your reaction time comes into play. You simply keep your crosshair on where the enemy will be when they pop out (this takes practice, because each spot has a different aiming technique) and shoot them when they come out. As simple as it sounds, its much harder than that.

Movement with the AWP is something people debate. When coming around a corner, you should usualy crouch jump, so that if an enemy awper is not fast enough, you can evade their shot, and quickly take them out. When moving, but before you shoot, QUICKLY stand still, scope in, and take a shot. If done right, this can give you nearly 100% accuracy.

However, should you be able to do all of these things, then you will truly be feared in the battlefield.
Thanks for the advice :) i'm definatly more of a fidgety on-the-move kind of player so i think i'll try to better my skills with an smg.

I'm not to familiar with some of the acronyms. Not really sure what AWP is other than that it seems to be restricted on most servers i see. Also alot of people mention "para" what is that as well?

Thanks again :)

Also what is the main difference between the two mid-range cost smgs? The ump and i forget the other. Are they both pretty much same?

The two mid range smgs are the mp5 and the UMP.45

I recommend the mp5 for beginners, as the ump gun is special. It shoots moderately fast, have perfect accuracy for the first three rounds while moving ( 1st round always is on target, even jumping). However, unless you have the practice of aiming for the head, the gun is almost useless. fairly new to source but ive played counterstrike for years now. near the end of my time playing cs i began using the pump shotty with a friend and have fallen in love with it. it hasnt changed much with the source engine which is something ive enjoyed most about it. the pump shotty is a gun you can pick up and be able to use now, but there are a few things you can remember to greatly help you when you use it.
--the first is to NEVER stand still when using it. as said before the accuracy is nearly the same (or imo better) when strafing and moving, plus you become a harder target to hit
--always aim for the head or even better, a bit above the head. it may take some getting used to as you walk around already preaimed at any heads that might pop out around corners. much like the deagle, this will give you a much better chance at quick kills. most of the time a headshot will be a one shot kill (esp late in rounds of course) but if you need to the second shot can go off very quickly. ***plus, contrary to popular belief, you dont necessarily need a pistol for long range shots once you get your aiming down. (shotty sniping is the best)
--jumping: this is a great choice if you are low in health and need to make sure you kill someone with that second shot. dont overuse it though, its much more effective and easier to get headshots by standing up straight.
--dont ever bother crouching.
--when you reload you CAN shoot between reloading shells. so as you are reloading keep watching to see if you find any enemies because you can always shoot them
--final tip that i think helps the most: EXPECT enemies to be around corners or in a room. be ready for a guy to come out a door. thatll make you alot faster with any gun you choose to use.

it may be funny to have rifle advice come from me (lol) but thats all i used to play with before. to me ive noticed a difference in how effective spraying now is in css (even better than before). but you have to know when is the best time to spray and when to do bursts and thats just something that takes some getting used to. id say once you get your burst accuracy down only use it for long to long-midrange shots and everything else do a low/controlled spray. with the ak or m4, try to spray at their feet or low torso to counteract most of the recoil on the guns. also when you are spraying make sure you are not standing in one place or just moving in one direction. its very important to strafe and move around as you spray, you actually help to improve your chances of a hit.
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Copyed this post from a really long time ago. Hope this helps some.
oh, and this is from frantic.^

Part I: Spraying Patterns

What Is Weapon Spray?
Weapon spray is a term used for when you fire repeated rounds from a gun & spray fire in a direction. By holding down the fire button and aiming straight the recoil from the weapon produces a spray of fire which hits around the target or cross hair in this case. The more recoil on a weapon the more spray is produced and this is where I come in... Unknown to many, CSS has built in spray patterns for every weapon and it's key to know the patterns if you are to take advanage of this. Note the following patterns are produced from a static firing position and when moving will change.

You can clearly see the M4a1 has 2 main patterns a 'T' shaped pattern & a 'P' pattern that somtimes is reversed

AUG & SG550
You can clearly see with the CT's AUG & the T's SG550 both have the same spray patterns. The main spray patterns is a 'T' shaped pattern & the odd 'P' pattern slipped in.

The AK47 seems to have the same basic spray pattern every time, the first 3 rounds hit almost spot on target but after that the weapon recoil kicks in and forces the fire upwards where the remain shots hit in a large area.

When doing this test the biggest surprise although thinking about it we should have known this anyway is the CT's Famas. It has a 'Burst Fire' mode and boy j00 when you enable it and spray fire the result you get is outstanding!! The spray pattern is very small almost spot on aim. Like the other weapons players need to learn how to burst fire to over come the weapon recoil this mode on the Famas does just that.

Part II: Shooting Methods

Controlling your shot
The first step in controlling your shot is having your cross hair at the correct position. When moving around the map, your cross hair should remain at head level, and be positioned exactly where your enemies heads will appear. This lessens the time you will have to spend aiming.

The way you shoot your weapon depends both on the type of gun it is, and also the distance. For this reason, I will talk about individual weapons, and how to shoot them at different distances, starting with the pistols.

Short range would be top of stairs on dust2 to bottom of stairs
Medium range is from B double doors on dust2 to where the terrorists enter the site.
Long range is top of long a to pit.

Short range, enemies has no armor: My preference here is to circle them while quickly tapping the fire button. The glock has almost no recoil at close range, and if you hit them in the head they won't be able to fire.

Short range, armor: What my team normally did on save rounds without deagles was the monkey jump. You go to some part of the map where the CTs are forced into close quarters combat, then you burst fire your glocks while jumping.

Medium range: You can still quickly tap on the fire button, but you should avoid moving too much

Long range: The glock sucks at this distance. If the enemies has armor, it can do as little as 3 damage a hit. Try to get closer, either by running towards them while snaking back and forth, or by finding another point of entry. If you must shoot from this distance, duck and space your shots by about 1/2 a second. You must aim for the head, or else you will never kill them

Short range: You can move a bit. If you are aiming for the head, space your shots by about 1/3 of a second. If you aim for the body, spam your shots as fast as possible.

Medium range: Stand still, possibly duck if you do not need the mobility. Shots should be fired at about 1 a second, aiming for the head. If you do spam the USP, your cross hair should be on the low part of their chest as you reach the end of your spam.

Long range: Same as medium, but don't spray. Take time to count out a second between shots (in your head, not out loud unless you want your teammates to kill you).

Short range: You can strafe around them. If your first shot misses, you should lower your aim to their shoulders. If you don't get them in the first two shots, spray your deagle at their body.

Medium range: Don't move, either strafe back and forth and fire shots on the pauses, or duck for maximum accuracy. Shots should be paced at about a second each. Take the time to aim before shooting.

Long range: You cannot kill with a single shot at very long ranges, and body shots will take 4 or more to kill. Try to get closer, or if you must shoot from such a distance, duck

Short range: You can run and shoot the first 5-10 bullets of your spray, then you should duck and finish the spray. When doing an extended spray, pull your cross hair to around their navel, and wiggle your mouse back and forth.

Medium range: You can usually run with the first 3 bullets, but no more then that. I recommend that you do not move at all. Spray about 5 bullets, strafe to your left or right, then duck spray the rest of your bullets if you need to. Once again, wiggle your mouse while spraying.

Long range: Strafe back and forth while shooting 3 shot bursts. It is possible to spray at this range, but only if you have very good control, and even then it is not that accurate.

Short range: Same as colt, but you have to pull down farther, and shouldn't move while shooting except the first 3 bullets.

Medium range: Don't move. Start with a standing spray for your first 5, then duck to pull your shot into their head and wiggle your cross hair around their kneecaps.

Long range: same as colt, but no spraying

Part III: Sources
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2 advice I can give you are:

1) Use your radar regularly to see where the enemies are. When your teammates die it shows up as a red or blue "X". That means the enemy is near by the "X" and has just killed your teammate. You can use this as an advantage to flank them or run away from them to plant or whatever.

2) If you have headphones you can hear people's footsteps and predict where they are and where they're heading to.
Wow! thanks for all the replies. This should help alot, as long as i can remember during the heat of battle :p

Vert, you make learning the shotgun sound so fun only because i've witnessed you annihilating people night after night hah.

I'll have to figure out these weapon usages and find what best suites me.

Thanks again all!

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