Counter-Strike CS:GO Jailbreak - I was playing HNS on jb_Alien and randomly died to nothing.

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What is the scope of your bug report?
CS:GO Jailbreak

Short description of the bug
I was playing HNS on jb_Alien and randomly died to nothing.

Detailed description of the bug
During HNS on the map JB_Alien I was playing the game like normally and running away from CT's when I climbed up to one part of the HNS map I died instantly to nothing and no one commented on it.
I just saw this thread and I'm pretty sure this is built in the map! this has happened to me once before, so I have a reason to believe that it might be some type of barrier or kill barrier placed there in order for T's to some what juke CT's (just a assumption since the gamemode played in the clip is HNS)
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