The Vent Meeting - Get the word out?


I thought that it was a great idea, but not so much the turn-out. It covered all the topics and cleared everything up in a hour, where it would take FOREVER to read it all in the forums. I tried to contribute a little, I don't know if they were important topics though.
Maybe we could have a meeting like this every other month or something?...We could go over any concerns about the servers. I would just like to recommend this because we could hear from everybody (who comes), not just people who go on the forums and people in the server.
If we do have another meeting, admins could add a message on the servers so that members of eGO will come and we can have a better turn-out. In my opinion, I thought that this was a good amount of people because if we had more, the meeting would have lasted longerm:(

So we should get the word out about these meetings so that more people can come and express their opinions. HMMM...i can't think of anything else so, I think I'll end this post.

P.S. --> Sorry for the long post :eek:
I think the meeting went fine and we do have forums to talk in too. Every month is good, but i dont think we will have that much to talk abt. let's just have a meeting when we need to.
i Posted ann. and i set sched. of the meeting in the steam comm. group. If u didnt get them than make sure u are part of our css group. Also it has been posted on the front page of the forums for about a week. I'm sorry that i my-self couldnt have been there but i was called out of town a day earlier than i was supose to be so it be a damper on my plains. Other than the turn out im glad to know that the info that was given was taken well and hopefully i my-self and others will see a change in events.

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