Us Navy

Well as some people may know I was going to do the Whole college thing but in all reality i would probably Flunk out and do what every other person do and become a Workforce person... AND THATS NOT ME!!!!!!!! I want to become a PART of MY COUNTY and help it in all ways possible... I TRULY THINK THIS IS MY CALLING!!!!! So as of know i do not have a Ship out date but it probably wont be till September then i will do a 2 month boot camp then go to a school that will be anywhere from 2 weeks to 15 weeks and then i will be back because i will be working and probably have money to buy a PC i will keep everyone up dated if i can!!!!!!!! This is not the end of Panther and eGO i promise you that i will be back because i have no intention on LIVING AT SEA!!!! i will be based somewhere in the U.S doing work and eventually get a computer and Start a new life SO WISH ME LUCK!!!!

Sounds like you got a heck of a life ahead of you man! And I don't care if your drill seargent says "Drop and give me 7000"! YOU ARE NOT MISSING CAL PRACTICE!! :p

But seriously, I'll be waiting for you when you return, *I'm like the old man who stays in the fishing town his whole life waiting for his lost crew to return...* hehe.

"And I don't care what they say, cause I'm in love with you [Panther]"..something like that, right? :)

"We will remember, all the times we...spent together [Panther]"


Sounds like you got a heck of a life ahead of you man! And I don't care if your drill seargent says "Drop and give me 7000"! YOU ARE NOT MISSING CAL PRACTICE!! :p

But seriously, I'll be waiting for you when you return, *I'm like the old man who stays in the fishing town his whole life waiting for his lost crew to return...* hehe.

"And I don't care what they say, cause I'm in love with you [Panther]"..something like that, right? :)

"We will remember, all the times we...spent together [Panther]"



See i dunno if fran is tryin to tell us something here or not.

best of luck to ya in the forces
u should be proud. my parents say i would fail in the army. and in college. they tell me to prepare for a hard life and hope for good luck. maybe someday ill join you!! we can be navy friends lol
Wow...the only thing that really comes to mind is YOUR AMAZING!!!
I'm not old enough and don't know what my future brings....but I'm thinking about joining myself when I'm older. Maybe be a Navy Seal :cool:

Bring back stories....LOTS OF STORIES. My uncle went and said that first year sucked, then got a lot better. Best of luck to you and tell us all about it when you get back.
DON'T FORGET THE STORIES...(if there are some then make some up or you'll have a very unhappy person to deal with when you join dust2.) and maybe bring some crazy tactics back :D.

So are you just going to be chillin on a ship, or shootin stuff or what...
Sebulba brings up a good question, do you know what you are going to be doing there? I mean for all we know you could be anything from a technician to a chef. :)
Okay so some new NEWS on this... I did not Qualify medically because i have had bronchitis before so that automatically prevents me from this so i am going to be obtaining MY EMT license and become a Peromidic... and for people who are considering this remember this, College you are devoting your life but if you want to back out YOU CAN but with the NAVY you are singing a 4 to 6 year commitment with a 2 month boot camp which is easy....

And for the people who wanted to know what i was going to do well i was open for a lot of different jobs... To join you have to take a test called the ASVAB which is a job placement test and to just get into the NAVY you have to score a 35 and then to get good jobs you have to score a 50 because that is considered upper Mental group and on this test most people score between a 40 and 55 and i scored a 83, i was open to join the Navy's Nuclear Program which is a 6 year commitment because you have 2 years of A school and after you are done you have about 5 more college hours to get you Masters in Nuclear Science degree so i was going to do that or Cryptologic which is decifiring of codes
wow, panther the genius, at least this way you will be around more. You will be amazing at whatever you intend to do, aka own me in the face with an m4. MAybe you could heal people with Nuclear Science... "Man heals people in Ambulance with Nuclear particles shooting out of M4"
Panther I am telling you, take the nuclear Science program. You will not regret it, if It's working on the nuclear reactors on the ships, dude your going to bring in A LOT of cash when your out of the navy. Im talking about 70k a year starting pay. Especially since the nation needs a new fuel source, and its looking like nuclear
whoa kolak i never thought of that, panther if you do that.. you'll be rich! you could host css gaming tournaments in your mansion! and then we could umm watcha football game or something...

ok that idea died out a bit lol

well good luck with whatever you choose
because i have had bronchitis before so that Okay so some new NEWS on this... I did not Qualify medically automatically prevents me from this so i am going to be obtaining MY EMT license and become a Peromidic... and for people who are considering this remember this, College you are devoting your life but if you want to back out YOU CAN but with the NAVY you are singing a 4 to 6 year commitment with a 2 month boot camp which is easy....

And for the people who wanted to know what i was going to do well i was open for a lot of different jobs... To join you have to take a test called the ASVAB which is a job placement test and to just get into the NAVY you have to score a 35 and then to get good jobs you have to score a 50 because that is considered upper Mental group and on this test most people score between a 40 and 55 and i scored a 83, i was open to join the Navy's Nuclear Program which is a 6 year commitment because you have 2 years of A school and after you are done you have about 5 more college hours to get you Masters in Nuclear Science degree so i was going to do that or Cryptologic which is decifiring of codes

That would mean he cant do the navy then as he said.
Good luck man. I hope that you stick with your choice and have a great time doing so.

I'll be waiting back here for you.

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