forums and website


EGO Is My Life!
Hey guys,

First of all great job getting this massive move of the site. I would like to point out a few things they might or might not be in the works or being fixed but im not sure so here it goes. Ads: on the left, bottom, and top of the site are ads which stat that dedicated supporters are not supposed to see. I am a DS but still see all the ads. Next i do not see user awards so wondering if those will return because members will ask im sure. Also as leaders is there a control login panel to give those awards again and to perform functions such as blocking unwanted users on the forums? The DAPS tab does not take me to the DAPs login page and instead sends me straight to an application for eGO. I do not see the shout box which people will ask about as well. The "Whats New eGO" box and the "Most Recent Threads" box on the left are pretty much the same. I think that some would like a background picture instead of just the blue and white page. To me and others talking to this am they think its a lot of white space or wasted space. For the actual posts can the side boxes be removed when reading posts or not? it makes the posts really small to read. There is no way to find the MOD CP. When clicking on user console it takes you back to the page you were on before instead of the page to edit users ranks and awards.

im sure there will be more to talk about as i explore the new site.

Awards are current down until the system is moved.

Dedicated Supporter Ads will be taken care of. We haven't had the chance just yet to set that up completely.

What's New shows comments and threads. Latest threads shows the most recent thread created.

Background and further styling will come in the coming days. Core functionality first.

Shoutbox coming back soon. Will no longer be located on the side panel and will most likely be at the top or bottom of the index.
sounds great! i figured as such since the new move. i think some are having sizing issues with pictures on the forums as well.

B Dawg Edit : Here is a screen with zoom set to only 25%. View attachment 16614

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